Monday, March 30, 2015

East 17’s Brian Harvey was so desperate he wanted ‘commit suicide’ and now ‘lives off benefits’

The former boyband frontman has revealed his recent struggle as he campaigns for more help for musicians

East 17’s Brian Harvey has revealed how he was left so desperate that he considered taking his own life and despite being one of the top bands of the 90s is living off benefits.
The 40-year-old singer has joined Labour MP Simon Danczuk as part of campaign to help struggling musicians for when their fame and fortune comes to an end.
Talking with the LBC, the Stay Another Day hitmaker revealed how he contemplated taking his own life after being admitted to hospital in February.

Brian Harvey
Brian Harvey recently posted several worrying videos on YouTube

"I could have walked out of that place that night, walked off and jumped off a bridge," he said, before adding: "Because, I tell you what: I felt like it."
Harvey, who has suffered from depression for over 13 years, wants more help for people who find themselves in similar desperate situations.
"We need a walk-in centre specifically designed for when, in the middle of the night, someone thinks ‘I am going to hang myself’ or ‘I am going to a forest and jump out of a tree with a noose around my neck’, because I have thought of all these things. Desperation takes over."

Harvey’s life spiralled out of control after he was booted out from East 17 in 1997 after he made comments about ecstasy following the horrific death of teenager Leah Betts.
Despite selling 18 million records during the 90s, and enjoying 17 top 20 singles with his bandmates – Tony Mortimer, John Hendy and Terry Coldwell – Harvey has fallen on hard times and is unable to make a living.

Brian Harvey drinking a bottle of Lucozade whilst arguing with police at the Occupy Democracy protest on London's Parliament Square
Brian Harvey argued with police at the Occupy Democracy protest last year

Mr Danczuk, Harvey’s MP, revealed that his struggle could even see Harvey evicted from his home.
"His situation is very desperate,” he told the Independent.
“It’s been a few weeks since we did the interview but I’ve been speaking to him over many months. He is on benefits and is in a fairly desperate situation to be honest.”

Terry Coldwell, Brian Harvey, Tony Mortimer and John Hendy in East 17
Terry Caldwell, Brian Harvey, Tony Mortimer and John Hendy in East 17

Mr Danczuk added: "Brian is a really good guy. I meet lots of people while I’m going about my work and Brian is a genuinely lovely guy. He has a heart of gold. I think he has been notoriously badly treated by the tabloid newspapers who should have better understanding of mental health issues.”
"Mental health problems sadly affect people in all walks of life, including those in the creative community,” the British Phonographic Industry, which represents the music business and works with mental health charity Help Musicians UK said.

Simon Danczuk and Brian Harvey are teaming together for campaign

"Fortunately, there is greater awareness of what can be done to help now, and one area we are looking to develop is our work with Help Musicians UK – a wonderful charity that reaches out to artists in need of support across a range of issues, including mental health."
In January, the star was filmed smashing his Smash Hit platinum discs that the band won to pieces.

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